Monday, 30 December 2013

What TV taught me over Christmas...

Well I say TV... We don't have a licence (that might change in the New Year though...) so it was more like working our way through the enormous pile of DVDs that was under the tree. We're only about halfway through that pile so here's what I've learned so far...

There is such a thing as 'He-Man & She-Ra' Christmas special. And there I was thinking that I'd wasted a large chunk of the eighties watching all of these cartoons... I never knew there was a Christmas special, did you?

Lego Star Wars is much better than the real thing, seriously. We were watching 'The Yoda Chronicles' and it struck me how much fun it is, just like Star Wars was way back in the day. It doesn't take itself too seriously either, quite the opposite in fact, whichbis so much easier on the senses than convoluted (and ultimately flawed) discussions about the how good the Living Force is while the Jedi send the Clone Troopers off to die in battles that they never asked to be a part of... See? Just thinking about the prequels makes me rant, you never get that with Lego Star Wars.

'Doctor Who: Paradise Towers' looks horribly dated (hell, it looked horribly dated back in the eighties when it first aired...) but, if you give it a chance, it’s actually quite a dark and scary story; cancelling out all the Red Kang/Blue Kang stuff by making good use of all those dark and cramped corridors to deliver some suitably tense moments. Despite all that though, I’d still say that Bonnie Langford’s Mel is still my least favourite Doctor Who companion though and I can’t help but wish that the robot crab (in the swimming pool) had finished her off…

Funnily enough though, ‘Spiderman and His Amazing Friends’ didn’t feel dated at all. Did the artists deliberately crop the billboard so it said ‘Eat Crack’ (instead of crackers) or was it just a mistake guaranteed to make me chuckle around thirty years later? Either way, made me laugh :o) I loved this show as a kid and now Hope has the box set, happy times ahead for me then :o)

I’d never thought an awful lot of the ‘Thor’ comic book but the film absolutely rocked (certainly enough to have me keeping an eye out for when ‘Thor 2’ comes out on DVD, I might even pick up some of the comics now) Chris Hemsworth did a fine job as Thor but Hiddlestone’s Loki stole the show as far as I’m concerned. I might have a teeny tiny man-crush there :o)

Same deal with ‘Sherlock’, I could never get into the original books but I’m now officially hooked on the TV show. It’s made of awesome, Sue and I are having to be really good and not watch the whole box set all at once.

Did you watch anything good over Christmas? And can anyone tell me what they thought of the new ‘Anchorman’ film? I haven’t seen it yet…

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