Sunday, 17 November 2013

Books in the post - The 'Three Weeks In, Three Weeks To Go...' Edition!

Three weeks into the new job (which doesn't feel so new anymore...) and I'm finally starting to feel like I've got back into the world of work. I've even started to wake up naturally instead of having to drag myself out of bed with the alarm. Having said all that then, I think this will be the last time I talk about being back at work. It's good to be back, lets just leave it like that ;o)

Three weeks to go until our baby turns up though... Yeah, you'll probably find me talking about that a little bit more before the time comes ;o) It feels like the last eight months have gone really quickly although Sue would violently disagree with the way she's feeling right now. Keep an eye out for 'new baby' pictures here over the next few weeks...

What with everything going on then, there hasn't been any room left in the week for new books to arrive. A couple managed to squeeze in actually. Go on, have a look...

I'm really keen to get reading 'The Copper Promise' as I've already read it twice in different formats (self published novella and submitted manuscript) and want to see the shape it has finally taken. Also, it's proper old school sword and sorcery and I can't get enough of that right now.
'The Forgotten Beasts of Eld' (has anyone read this?) is my last 'free pass' Fantasy Masterwork, purchased on Amazon. From here on in, it's back to scouring the second hand bookshops, I wouldn't have it any other way ;o)

That's me then, I'll be into 'The Copper Promise' soon but I'm reading 'She Who Waits' right now and it's amazing; I don't actually want it to end.
See you all tomorrow but in the meantime, what are you reading this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. The Copper Promise sounds good - I do like me some old school sword and sorcery.

    Best of luck with the baby! I've found I get more reading and reviewing done during nap time than any other. :)
